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Top CV Hacks to Get Past Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Beating ATS systems is tricky, which is why we’ve put together our top CV hacks to get past applicant tracking systems so that you can always be visible to recruiters and employers. Did you know that up to 80% of CVs might not make it past the first round of screening? While rejection is a natural part of the job search, you don’t want your career to be at the mercy of an algorithm. With the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in recruitment, it’s essential to ensure your CV gets the attention it deserves. Here’s how to make sure your CV gets past the applicant tracking systems (ATS) and into the hands of hiring managers.

Understanding Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

What is an ATS? An ATS is a software tool used by employers to streamline the hiring process. It scans, sorts, and ranks CVs based on how well they match the job description. While beneficial for recruiters, an ATS can easily reject your CV if it’s not properly optimised. Knowing how to tailor your CV to pass through ATS is crucial in today’s AI-driven hiring environment.

Key Strategies to Optimise Your CV for ATS

1. Align Your CV with the Job Description

Speak the Same Language as the Job Spec Tailoring your CV to match the job description is crucial. ATS software looks for specific keywords and phrases, and CVs that closely match the job requirements are flagged for further review. Here’s how to ensure your CV speaks the same language as the job description:

  • Identify Keywords and Phrases: Match the terminology used in the job description. This includes technical skills, soft skills, and industry-specific terms.
  • Use Specific Terms: For example, if the job description mentions “customer sales experience,” don’t just list “retail experience.” Ensure your wording matches the job spec.
  • Select Relevant Experience: Focus on the job titles and industries most relevant to the position you’re applying for. An ATS-friendly CV should highlight the most pertinent aspects of your career.

2. Optimise Your CV Format for ATS

Format Your CV Correctly The structure and layout of your CV play a significant role in how well it is read by an ATS. Follow these formatting tips to ensure your CV is easily scannable:

  • Keep It Simple: Use widely recognised fonts like Arial or Times New Roman. Avoid complex fonts or symbols that might confuse an ATS.
  • Use Traditional Subheadings: Stick to conventional headings such as “Experience,” “Education,” and “Skills.” These are easily recognised by most ATS tools.
  • Avoid Complex Design Elements: Refrain from using headshots, visuals, or intricate designs. These elements may not be readable by an ATS and could detract from your key qualifications.
  • Choose the Right File Format: Always upload your CV in the file format specified by the employer. If none is specified, Word documents or PDFs are usually safe options. Word documents are often easier for ATS to scan, provided they don’t contain tables or graphs. If emailing directly to a recruiter, consider sending both Word and PDF formats.

3. Provide Clear, Specific Examples

Demonstrate Your Skills with the STAR Method Employers want proof of your skills and abilities. Rather than making generic statements, provide specific examples using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result):

  • Situation: Set the context for your example.
  • Task: Outline your specific role.
  • Action: Describe what you did.
  • Result: Highlight the positive outcomes.

Example: Situation: In my previous role at ABC Company, I managed multiple projects with tight deadlines. Task: I needed to ensure all projects were completed on time while maintaining high-quality standards. Action: I implemented a project management tool to track progress and allocated tasks based on team members’ strengths. Result: This approach reduced project completion time by 20% and improved overall team productivity.

4. Keep Your CV Concise and Direct

Be Clear and to the Point Recruiters do not have the time to read between the lines. Ensure your CV is clear, concise, and directly addresses the job requirements. Here are some tips:

  • Use Bullet Points: Break down information into bullet points for easy reading.
  • Avoid Fluff: Stick to relevant details and avoid unnecessary jargon.
  • Proofread Thoroughly: Check for grammar and spelling errors. A mistake-free CV reflects attention to detail and professionalism.

5. Include Relevant Skills and Qualifications

Highlight Your Expertise An ATS looks for specific skills and qualifications. Make sure to include:

  • Technical Skills: List relevant technical abilities and software proficiencies.
  • Soft Skills: Highlight interpersonal skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.
  • Certifications and Training: Include any additional training or certifications relevant to the job.

Final Thoughts on Optimising Your CV for ATS

Optimising your CV for ATS is essential in today’s competitive job market. By aligning your CV with the job description, formatting it correctly, providing specific examples, and highlighting relevant skills, you can increase your chances of getting past the initial screening and securing an interview.

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