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Best Answers to “What Interests You About This Role?” for Social Work, Allied Healthcare, and Nursing

“What interests you about this role?”

You’ve likely heard the common interview question, “What interests you about this role?” during a job interview. It can be challenging to craft a response that goes beyond generic answers and truly showcases your unique skills as a candidate in social work, allied healthcare, or nursing.

Why Preparation is Crucial

Being well-prepared is essential for interview success. Even if you have an impressive CV and cover letter, you need to be able to articulate your strengths and fit for the role during the interview. Our expert advice will help you answer this common question with confidence.

Answering “What Interests You About This Role?” in a Job Interview

There are multiple ways to approach this open-ended question. If answered correctly, it allows the hiring manager to understand your level of interest, gauge your understanding of the role, and see if your values align with the company’s.

You can focus your answer on yourself, the company, or the role itself. Here are some strategies and examples tailored to social work, allied healthcare, and nursing roles.

Focusing on Yourself

1. Highlight Your Fit for the Role

When focusing on yourself, emphasise your fit for the role, your career goals, and how your experiences make you the perfect candidate. This approach shows that you’ve thought about how you align with the job and the organisation.

Key Points to Highlight

  • Culture Fit: Discuss how you will be a great cultural fit for the organisation and how you see yourself working well with potential colleagues. If you’ve discussed any specific cultural elements with the hiring manager that intrigued you, mention them.
  • Career Progression: Show that you are interested in growing with the company. Highlight how you see yourself progressing and contributing to the organisation in the long term.

Example Answer

“There are many elements that interest me about this role, but one key aspect is the company culture. I thrive in a collaborative environment, and your organisation’s emphasis on teamwork and continuous learning aligns with my personal values. Additionally, the opportunities for career progression here are impressive. I am eager to develop my skills in areas such as patient-centered care and interdisciplinary collaboration, which I noticed are strong focuses in your facility.”

Focusing on the Company

2. Show Interest in the Organisation

Expressing a genuine interest in the company itself can be very compelling. It shows that you’re not just looking for any job but are specifically interested in contributing to this particular organisation.

Key Points to Highlight

  • Company History and Reputation: Discuss your admiration for the company’s history, reputation, or recent innovations. This demonstrates that you have done your research and are enthusiastic about being part of the company’s journey.
  • Problem-Solving: If you’ve identified an area where the company could improve or a trend it hasn’t yet addressed, mention this. It shows you are proactive and interested in helping the company succeed.

Example Answer

“What attracted me to this role is your organisation’s pioneering work in mental health rehabilitation. I’ve followed your innovative programs and successes, such as the recent development of your community outreach initiative. Additionally, I believe my background in social work could contribute to further enhancing these programs. Have you considered integrating more digital tools to reach a broader audience? I think this could be an exciting next step for the organisation.”

Focusing on the Role

3. Emphasise the Job Itself

When your focus is on the role, delve into the job description and discuss how this position aligns with your skills and career goals.

Key Points to Highlight

  • Relevant Experience: Pick specific elements of the job description that match your experience. Show how your previous roles have prepared you for this position.
  • Career Development Opportunities: Talk about how the role offers opportunities for growth and development, which is essential for your professional aspirations.

Example Answer

“This role excites me because it aligns perfectly with my background as an occupational therapist. I have extensive experience in patient rehabilitation, and the responsibilities of this job match my skills in developing personalised care plans and conducting therapeutic exercises. I’m also enthusiastic about the opportunity to further specialise in pediatric therapy, an area I am particularly passionate about. What kinds of training and development opportunities do you offer to support this growth?”

Being prepared to answer “What interests you about this role?” is crucial for standing out in your interview for social work, allied healthcare, or nursing positions. Focus on yourself, the company, or the role itself to craft a compelling response. Remember to tailor your answers to reflect your understanding of the job and the organisation, showcasing your unique qualifications and enthusiasm.

Additional Resources

For more advice on interviews, check out our other interview advice resources.

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